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Planning Board Minutes 04/07/2016
  Chichester Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
Thursday, April 7, 2016

Members Present:
Others Present: Chairman Kevin Mara DVM., Richard Moore, Stan Brehm, Jeff Jordan, Tom Houle, Ann Davis,  Craig McIntosh, and Kristy McIntosh, Secretary.

Chairman Mara called the meeting to order at 6:30pm

Site Plan Review-Chichester Condominiums Corporation
Mr. Mara stated that the he had spoken to Mr. Mayer  about the amount of open space on the plan and
the pond being part of the open space.  Chichester does not have anything in the zoning that prohibits
the pond being part of the open space.

Mr. Brehm had concerns after reviewing the plans as to why the other wet lands were left out of open
space and why this might be included.  It was explained by Mr. Stout that it was just the way it was delineated on the plans.   

Mr. Mara explained that after measuring the open space, he had enough without the wetlands so it
wasn’t a concern.  

Mr. Austin asked if there a problem with the amount of open space.

Mr. Mara stated that he believes there is enough open space and the plan was all set to move forward.  

Ms. Davis makes a motion to approve the new change in the subdivision to move the fire pond. Mr.

Brehm seconds the motion. 5, aye and 2nays.  Motion passes.

Mr. Mara stated that Mr. Stout put a note on the plan that the current plan precedes all other plans. Mr.
Mara stated that there needs to be another note that all previous be granted moving forward.

Mr. Brehm makes a motion that the plan be amended to show that the waivers be granted for items
number #5-17 and #19-24  and be shown on a note. Ms. Davis seconds the motion. 4 ayes, and 3 nays.
Motion passes.

Mr. Mara also stated that they had some other conditions that they had for Mr. Austin.  

Mr. Mara stated that the first condition was a $3,000.00 escrow for engineer inspections.  Mr. Austin
had questions about what the inspections would be for and Mr. Mara stated that they would be for any
Inspections that may arise. Mr. Austin agreed.

Mr. Brehm stated that another condition of approval was the road being paved by the end of the year
per the D.O.T. and the mitigation of the ESMI reclaimed soil being properly mitigated and delineated on
the plan per NHDES.

Mr. Moore also stated that the last condition of approval would be the fire hydrants/dry hydrants and
push system to be installed per the agreement with the Chichester Fire Department.

Mr. Brehm asked Mr. Austin if his intention was to pave the road and get the fire hydrants in as he’s

Mr. Austin stated that will be putting the base in late summer but no top until the project is finished.

Mr. Brehm asked if he will be building the hydrant system as he’s building the road.

Mr. Austin stated he wasn’t sure on how it would be built, but he could not build on his property until
the fire pond was all set.

Chief Quimby stated that the fire department is working on an easement to gain access to the property.

Mr. Houle and Mr. McIntosh had concerns that the project was moving too fast and Mr. Houle wanted
to walk the property before approving it.  

The majority of the Board did not agree and wanted to leave it up to the engineers and their expertise to
look at the issues.  

Mr. Moore was concerned about there not being a note referring to the location of the dry hydrant.

Mr. Mara stated that he like there to be note added to reelect the location of the dry hydrants and note
added about the detailed plan agreed upon.  

A meeting will be set with Mr. Stout, Ms. McIntosh, a member of the Planning Board and a member of
Central New Hampshire Regional Planning Commission to go over the details and sign the final Mylar.   

Mr. Jordan makes a motion to approve the Site Plan amendment with the changes made and notes added to the plan. Ms. Davis seconds. Motion Passes.

Conceptual-Neal Delage -169 Suncook Valley Rd
Mr. Delage is new to the Town and wants to find out if he can have a RV/Trailer Sales business on his
property with the office running out of his 40X60 barn.  There are two driveways that tie into Rt. 28.  
The property is located between Swiggy Brook Rd. and Carpenter Park.  

Mr. Mara stated that it would be change of use so he would need to do a Site Plan Review.  

Mr. Moore stated to look at pg. 6-11 in the Chichester Zoning Ordinance manual to see what he would have to complete for the Site Plan Review.  

Mr. Mara recommended that he talk to D.O.T. district 5 to check the driveways.  

Site Plan Review-Corey Fitz 376 Dover Rd, Over the Top Shelters
Mr. Rokeh was there to represent Mr. Burd who was not able to attend the meeting with Mr. Fitz.  

Mr. Fitz did recap that he did the application previously and needed to do more work to come back.  

There has been a problem with the sale of the property due to a beneficiary passing away before they
signed and the sale went through.  It is currently being rushed through the Maine probate court and will
hopefully be done in 4-6 weeks.

Mr. Brehm stated that there could be a legal issue because he is a renter and not the legal land owner. If
the sale was not completed by the time the Board approved the Site Plan then a note would have to be
added or the plan would have to be changed to the business of Corey Fitz on the property of Shirley

K+B Crushing, LLC.-
Keith Babb from K+B Crushing, LLC. Came before the Planning Board to discuss his business.  The Planning Board discussed whether or not they considered the new business to be a change of use and whether or not they could sign off on the business being an inspection station with the State of NH.  

The Conesus of the Board was that it was not a change of use since they were still doing landscaping like the previous business and the new building put up was considered temporary. They did question whether or not the Building Inspector should visit the property to determine otherwise.   

The previous business was also an inspection station for their fleet so the Board signed the paperwork for the DMV so that K+B Crushing could also be an inspection station but only for their fleet and not outside business.  

An abutter of the business was in the audience and who made a complaint about all of the loud noise and beeping going on throughout the day.  

Mr. Babb’s did acknowledge the beeping but stated that the trucks are required to have the backup beep for safety reasons.

The Planning Board told the abutter that she was able to make a noise complaint with the Board of Selectmen if she felt it was necessary.  

Conceptual- Bobcat with Mark Blanchard
Mr. Blanchard came to discuss putting up an addition to his building of 60X100.  He stated that he had already been in touch with Mr. Cole the assistant building inspector about codes and would like to move forward with the plan.  He wanted input from the Board to see if they felt there would be any road blocks.  

The consensus of the Board was to update the current site plan to show the addition of the new building for the Site Plan Review to follow.

Other Business-

Planning Board Alternates-
Mr. Mara stated that at the last Board of Selectmen’s meeting he recommended that the two alternate members interested in moving up to full time members be moved up, which was Craig McIntosh and Ann Davis. This leaves two alternate positions open. The Board reviewed the three candidates that volunteered for Planning Board. Gilbert Vien and Theresa Paradis were both in attendance to answer some questions and Michael Williams was not able to attend the meeting. After discussion amongst the Board, it was voted on to make Mr. Williams an alternate.  The Board asked Ms. McIntosh to send out a letter informing the other candidates that they were not chosen.  

After discussion the Board decided to extend the due date of the Mater Plan Survey to April 30th 2016 to try and obtain more responses. Mr. Mara asked Mr. Houle and Ms. Davis If they would like to co-chair the Master Plan Update Committee. They both accepted.  

Next Meeting-
Due to Ms.McIntosh being away on a work conference the Board decided to move the regular meeting to the following week of May 12, 2016.  The next Master Plan Workshop meeting will be held on April 21, 2016.  

Adjournment-Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Mara and seconded by Jordan to adjourn the meeting at 9:39pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Kristy McIntosh
Not approved until signed.

Chairman Dr. Kevin Mara